
Industry Averages -
the Key Performance Indicators

The key financial ratios and industry averages that characterise each sector are presented over the latest 6 year period. You can view this data on the screen, print reports or export the data in a spreadsheet. Further you can make comparisons of industry averages and trends between sectors and save this analysis in the Industry Watch Product.

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Gross Profit Margin (%) 15.97 9.10 6.69 3.48 3.98 5.70
Operating Profit Margin (%) 5.88 1.91 1.96 -0.83 1.01 1.08
Profit Before Interest & Tax Margin (%) 11.30 6.87 4.36 1.37 2.89 3.39
Pre-Tax Profit Margin (%) -9.52 2.93 2.05 -0.93 0.49 0.47
Return on Total Assets (%) 7.95 0.48 0.42 -2.66 0.53 -1.05
Return on Capital Employed (%) 12.28 1.59 1.15 -2.50 0.95 -0.82
Return on Equity (%) -4.03 -3.66 -0.51 -6.42 -2.50 -4.21
Current Ratio 1.25 1.29 1.48 1.65 1.67 1.72
Quick Ratio 1.23 1.27 1.46 1.62 1.64 1.69
Debt Ratio 0.66 0.68 0.65 0.61 0.61 0.55
Credit Given (Days) 33 32 29 27 29 43
Credit Taken (Days) 24 25 18 15 20 17
Times Internet Earned 1.91 4.32 4.10 9.11 4.02 7.31
Fixed Asset Turnover 1.47 1.31 1.23 1.24 1.30 1.06
Stock Turnover 4.06 4.92 5.01 4.98 4.35 5.34
Debtor Turnover 11.12 11.49 12.59 13.65 12.65 11.28
Turnover per Employee (£) 162,583 185,915 180,515 179,027 187,601 188,202
Average Wage (£) 31,656 32,338 33,084 36,512 28,020 34,958
Turnover Growth (% of 2022) 101.99 103.76 99.42 100.00 102.91 103.89
Operation Profit Growth (% of 2022) 78.20 57.24 95.56 100.00 60.62 94.01

Industry Averages -
Key Accounting Ratios

As you can see from the table above we provide profitability ratios, liquidity ratios (such as current ratio or quick ratio), gearing ratios (or solvency ratio), activity ratios and various averages for growth, wages and sales per employee. These are the key accounting ratio benchmarks you will need for a financial statement analysis of any firm. We have been researching UK industry specific reports since 1991 and our data is calculated from just the relevant firms in each sector rather than relying on SIC classifications.

Industry Statistics covering all UK sectors
Relevant Industry Averages

Industry Averages -
Market Trends

Market trends can be highlighted using the Industry Watch Service, using the facility to graph the figures you select, to assist in this type of UK industry analysis. You can also simply export the spreadsheet of this data for incorporation into your own internal report.

When constructing a business plan or investment proposal it is important to make reasonable of assumptions for factors like growth and profit margin ratio. Data from the Industry Watch Service (which you can view, print or export) would give independent credibility to the figures. In this way it would be simple to conclude something like. - "....projected sales growth and costs are in line with recent industry norms..." - which of course is very reassuring for those assessing the proposal!

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