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The Industry Watch Service provides access to 1700+ reports which make it easy to analyse a business strategy in view of the key market forces acting on the business. Marketing to buyers, negotiations with suppliers, consideration of substitute products or complementary products are all enhanced using the latest information.


Industry Watch Service
- Subscription

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Meantime be sure to download the free report to see how easily you can obtain the very latest business information with a subscription to the Industry Watch Service?

Standard Subscription

365 days access to data on all 1700+ sectors - suitable for anyone with an interst in more than 3 distinct UK industry sectors.

Now Including:

1700 full Sector Reports

Use the Industry Watch to:

Find key UK industry average accounting ratios for company benchmarking

Download industry statistics for use in a spreadsheet or financial analysis of your own

Compare the latest market trends for any UK sectors and print your analysis

Free Reports